Ingredients for a New Wave of Ubicomp Products

TitleIngredients for a New Wave of Ubicomp Products
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsKubitza, T, Pohl, N, Dingler, T, Schneegass, S, Weichel, C, Schmidt, A
JournalPervasive Computing, IEEE
Keywordsactuator, actuators, cloud computing, cloud-based development tool, communication technology, embedded computing platform, embedded computing platforms, Embedded systems, integrated development environments, pervasive computing, Programming, prototyping, sensor, sensors, Technological innovation, ubicomp product, ubiquitous computing, ubiquitous computing device

The emergence of many new embedded computing platforms has lowered the hurdle for creating ubiquitous computing devices. Here, the authors highlight some of the newer platforms, communication technologies, sensors, actuators, and cloud-based development tools, which are creating new opportunities for ubiquitous computing.
